How to buy used cars from Kobe Motor
Step 1

Register with us
It's free! All you have to do is full up the simple online form and click submit.
Step 2

Select your vehicle
Click the 'inquiry' button from the selected stock and fill in the required information along with any addtional requests you may have.Our sales person will contact you immediately to finalise the price
Step 3

Once the price is agreed we will send an invoice to your email including all relevent details such as the vehicle information , the shipment name and address , as well as the total price of the vehicle.
Step 4

Once you recevie the invoice make the payment to the bank details as provided on the invoice - this information is also on our website Please do mention the invoice number for reference of payment.
Step 5

Once you recevie the invoice make the payment to the bank details as provided on the invoice - this information is also on our website Please do mention the invoice number for reference of payment.
Step 6

When the shipment is complete with zero due balance ,we will courier your vehicle documents to you.
Step 7

Receive Vehicle
Once the vehile reaches your port, you are required tosubmit the necessary original documentsto your customs agent to clear the vehicle.